Name: Viebeke v.d. Wiske Hoeve
Breed: Ster Friesian
Gender: Mare
D.O.B.: 4/12/2014
Hands: 16.1
Color: Black
Registry: FHANA
Viebeke is a majestical 2nd premium full papered Ster mare that we imported from the Netherlands. She stood at the first place and recieved the Ster predicate with high points:
Type 8.0 / Build 7.0 / Bones 7.5 / Walk 7.0 / Trot 7.0
She is free from dwarfism, hudrocephalus and the chestnut factor. She has low inbreeding of 1.76% and she recieved twice a First premium; as a foal and as a yealing!
The mother line of Viebeke is as follows: Ster + Preferent / Ster + Preferent / Ster / Ster
Not for sale.